How to progress in Russian faster

One of the most popular questions we get from our students is “How fast can I progress in Russian?”, “How much time does it take to complete a level?” Although these questions are perfectly reasonable, learning a new language is a complex task, so the answer is also quite complex. Let’s try to find out what influences your progress in Russian!

Time you dedicate to learning

One of the main points that influence your progress is the time you spend on learning. The more lessons per week you have, the faster your progress will be. For example, if you take our Intensive course in St. Petersburg and study for six academic hours a day during 3 months, you can complete one level. Apart from lessons, you should also dedicate enough time to the homework. And if you find a spare couple of hours per week for self-studies, like reading in Russian or watching Russian movies, or even YouTube channels, your Russian knowledge will skyrocket!


Approach to studies

Of course, it is very important to find a qualified teacher who uses up-to-date methods. A good Russian course has to develop all your language skills – speaking, reading, writing and listening. And of course, it is not all about textbooks! Modern technologies allow language lessons to be not only interesting and interactive but also efficient. Moreover, learning today is not limited to the lessons. Applications for smartphones, thematic YouTube channels, even Instagram blogs can be a good addition to your studies.

Your motivation and attitude

Strong motivation and a responsible approach are the factors that play a huge role in language studies. Regular lessons are a must if your goal is to reach a certain level of Russian. It’s also not a secret that the more motivated you are, the more effort you are ready to put into your studies. You can check our article about motivation to get inspired! A positive attitude is also very important as it helps you to be more open for studies.

Previous experience in language learning

study russianIt is always easier to study a new language if you already have some experience in this field. Engage all your previous language learning experience! Have you studied French at school? Or maybe a few weeks of Japanese? Or have you tried to learn some Spanish for your trip to Peru? All this experience, even if it seems insignificant to you, will help you in your Russian studies, as you’ve already been open to a new language once and seen a language system that is different from your mother tongue.



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Maria Savushkina
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