The system of language levels is familiar to anyone who is studying or teaching a foreign language, in our case – Russian. If you decide to study Russian with a teacher – online or at school, you will always have a placement test first. Why? So the teacher knows your language proficiency and recognizes your current language skills. However, what does each level mean and what should you know if some tests say, you have, for example, A2? Let’s find out!
A0 – Starter
If you cannot submit the placement test at all, know just a few words in Russian like “privet” or “na zdorovie”, you are an absolute beginner. You have a whole language journey ahead!
A1 – Elementary
You already know some vocabulary, have some communicative skills, and have some idea of Russian grammar. You can introduce yourself, hold a simple conversation, and answer some questions about your life. You are still at the beginning of your journey but a good language course can boost your knowledge significantly!
A2 – Pre-intermediate
Russian in everyday life and in some common situations is not a challenge for you anymore. Your vocabulary is now vaster and the list of topics you can speak about is now wider. You know basic grammar. On this level, you should work on your vocabulary to cover more topics, improve your speaking and listening skills.
B1 – Intermediate
You can use Russian in most of the regular situations. You can now express yourself much better and produce texts on different topics. Your fluency has improved significantly and you speak clearer and in a more accurate way. Keep working on your vocabulary and on complicated grammatical structures.
B2 – Upper-intermediate
On this level, you are very fluent and can speak spontaneously in the great majority of situations. You can hold discussions about abstract topics and express yourself freely. You can now produce texts using various grammar structures and understand an idea of complicated texts in Russian. Now it’s time to dive into complex grammar and widen your vocabulary to cover even more topics and life situations.
C1 – Advanced
You’ve reached a level where you can use Russian in a very wide range of situations with significant fluency. You understand longer texts on both abstract and concrete topics. You can now express yourself using more complex grammar structures and can use Russian for social, academic, and working purposes freely. Now it’s time to work on more specific vocabulary in accordance with your needs and interests and to continue working on your fluency and acquiring more diverse language patterns.
C2 – Native speaker
Congratulations, you speak like a native Russian now!
Click here to check your Russian level on our website right now!
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