Dostoevsky anniversary 2021

Fyodor Dostoevsky (1821 – 1881) is one of the most famous Russian writers and probably the most readable Russian author abroad. His unique ability to dive into the dark depth of the human soul influenced many authors worldwide. Dostoevsky keeps raising interest among readers and in 2021 we celebrate the author’s 200 anniversary. Today some interesting facts about Fyodor Dostoevsky and his works for you.

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1. Opposed to many other writers of his time, Dostoevsky wasn’t born in a noble family. His father was a retired military surgeon and his mother was a cultured woman that originated from a merchant family.

2. During his life, Fyodor Dostoevsky wrote 8 novels and 26 short stories.

3. His first novel was “Poor Folk” written in 1845. The novel portrays how poverty influences the human soul.

4. Although Dostoevsky was famous at his time, he was always broke. Moreover, famous author was a gambler and often had to hide from the creditors, and his novel “The Gambler” is partially autobiographic.

5. By the way, the “Gambler” was written just in 26 days. Dostoevsky desperately needed money and the contract obliged him to complete the work in such a short period of time.

6. In “Crime and Punishment” Dostoevsky used a real St. Petersburg map, so there is a “real” Raskolnikov address in the city. Today you see “Dostoevsky’s Petersburg” and see the places related to the author and his famous novel.

7. “The Brothers Karamazov” was supposed to be the first part of the epic novel “The Story of a Great Sinner”, but Dostoevsky died 2 months after the novel had been published.

8. Dostoevsky’s novel “The Possessed” is considered to be prophetic, as the writer predicted the Russian revolution.

9. The writer died in winter 1881 presumably because of a hemorrhage caused by tuberculosis.

Check the video about Dostoevsky on EDUCA YouTube channel!

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Maria Savushkina
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