Amazing places in Russia

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Amazing places in Russia that you rarely see in guidebooks

Lakes with multicolored water, rocks inhabited by ghosts, ancient abandoned cities and sands surrounded by ice – this is not a list of scenery for an adventure film, but points on the map of our country. This article is about the places in Russia that know how to impress!

Amazing places in RussiaPhoto: Mikhail Gnatkovsky

Lake Elton, Volgograd Region

Most amazing places in RussiaPhoto: Viktor Vodolazky,

Surrounded by a ring of white salt, Lake Elton is also called the golden bottom, because of the algae, the reservoir shimmers with all the colors of precious stones: from gold to pink and bright indigo. The lake is so shallow that you can literally walk on it: the average depth in summer is only 5 cm. This is a great opportunity to take beautiful reflection shots, creating the illusion of walking in the sky.

Diamond mine “Mir”, Yakutia

Amazing places in Russia, YakutiaPhoto: Sergey Kobakh,

The man-made diamond quarry was called “Mir” for a reason: having discovered the source, geologists transmitted a coded radiogram to Moscow: “We lit the pipe of peace, the tobacco is excellent.” Why a pipe? It’s simple: that’s what geologists call such deposits. Today, the mine is no longer operating, and tourists have a chance to look at a quarry of colossal size – one and a half kilometers in diameter! The Yakuts believe that diamond deposits in their lands are connected with intervention from above: once it was so cold that a deity hovering in the sky froze his hand and dropped a whole bag of diamonds on the ground.

Chara Sands, Transbaikalia

Amazing places in Russia - BaikalPhoto: WooFDriver,

A sandy desert among glaciers – sounds like a mirage of a tired traveler. However, the Chara Sands is exactly the place where such an anomaly is found in reality: the hot desert is surrounded by the harsh glaciers of Kodar. True, this neighborhood makes its own adjustments: instead of camels – deer, and instead of palm trees in rare oases – larches and cedars. This contrast adds even more charm to the place.

Mount Big Bogdo, Astrakhan region

Amazing places - RussiaPhoto: Sergey Poproshaev,

Where did a mountain come from in the endless Astrakhan steppe, and even such an unusual color – red? This is due to the concentration of metals in its soil, but there is also a less prosaic explanation: according to legend, the nomadic Oirats, leaving their native expanses, wanted to take the mountain with them.
The monks carried it on their shoulders, however, one of them could not hold Bogdo – the mountain fell and remained in the middle of the steppe. This place is part of the Bogdinsko-Baskunchaksky Reserve, where comfortable conditions are created for tourists and excursions are conducted. Big Bogdo is the only mountain in the Caspian lowland.

Krenitsyn Volcano, Kuril Islands

Amazing places in Russia Krenitsyn Volcano, Kuril IslandsPhoto: Eugene Kaspersky,

Located on the island of Onekotan, the active volcano Krenitsyn is truly a unique phenomenon. This is not just a volcano, but a volcano within a volcano, and the largest in the world. Around its forested top, a lake ring closes, enclosed in flowering slopes – calderas. The bewitching landscape is complemented by the haze that has enveloped the lake – the scenery for the Jurassic

Glass Bay, Vladivostok

The most amazing places in RussiaPhoto: Yuri Smityuk,

The pebbles and sand of the bay mingled with the sea-turned glass. Red, blue, yellow, green – what kind of pebbles are here! This is the perfect place for a spectacular photo session: glass pebbles shimmer in the sun with all the colors of the rainbow, sparkle and scatter colorful highlights everywhere. The glass bay is a unique phenomenon, you will not find a similar place in our country any more.

Kutkhiny Baty, Kamchatka

Amazing places in Russia, KamchatkaPhoto: Sergey Grinev,

Sacred for Itelmens pumice rocks are a real place of power. According to legend, the creator of the world Kutkh, who loved to fish on the Kuril Lake, folded his boats upside down to go fishing at any time. This is how Kutkhiny Baty appeared – translated as “Kutkha boats” – picturesque slopes, the views of which tourists now admire. The locals make Kutkha figurines out of wood and bone: they are bought not only as souvenirs, but also as talismans.


In conclusion: Do you want to see this amazing country with your own eyes? Come to Russia and join us to learn Russian language and experience the rich Russian culture, history and traditions. People from more than 60 countries have already done it. Also check out our students’ reviews on Facebook and Google.

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