12 interesting facts about the Russian language

The words «бык» (bull) and «пчела» (a bee) have the same root. There are 74 words beginning with the letter “Й” in the Russian language. And there is a Russian word with a length of 35 letters in the Guinness Book of Records.

Here you will read about others captivating rules of Russian grammar!


  1. There are 74 words beginning with the letter «Й» in the Russian language. But most Russian people can only remember no more than 3: «йод» (iodine), «йога» (yoga) and «Йошкар-Ола» (Yoshkar-Ola – the name of the city).
  2. There are words starting from letter «Ы». These are the names of Russian cities and rivers: Ыгыатта (Igyatta), Ыллымах (Ylymakh), Ынахсыт (Ynkhsyt), Ыныкчанский (Ynykchansky), Ытык-кюёль (Ytyk-kyuel).
  3. The only word in the Russian language with three letters «Е» is «длинношеее» (long-necked).
  4. The words «бык» (bull) and «пчела» (a bee) have the same root. In the works of ancient Russian literature the word bee was written as a «бъчела». The alternation of vowels is explained by the origin of both sounds from one Indo-European sound “u”.
  5. Until the XIV century in Russia, all indecent words were called “absurd verbs”.
  6. In the Guinness Book of Records in 1993, the longest word of the Russian language is called «рентгеноэлектрокардиографического» (the x-ray electrocardiographic), in the 2003 edition it is «превысокомногорассмотрительствующий» (overly examining).
  7. The longest verbs are «переосвидетельствоваться» (re-examined), «субстанционализироваться» (sub-nationalized) and «интернационализироваться» (internationalized) they consist of 24 letters.
  8. The longest nouns are «человеконенавистничество» (misanthropy) and «высокопревосходительство» (excellency) consisting of 24 letters.
  9. The longest animate nouns are «одиннадцатиклассница» (eleventh-grader) and «делопроизводительница» (сlerk) consisting of 21 letters.
  10. The longest dialect, fixed by the dictionary, is «неудовлетворительно» (unsatisfactory) consisting of 19 letters.
  11. There are so-called insufficient verbs in the Russian language. Sometimes a verb does not have any form, and this is due to the laws of euphony. For example: «победить» (to win). «Он победит», «ты победишь», «я… победю?» «побежу?» «побежду?» (He will win, you will win, will I … win?) Philologists suggest using replacement constructions «я одержу победу» “I will win” or «стану победителем» “I will become a winner”. Since the form of the 1st person singular is absent, the verb is “insufficient”.
  12. Foreigners use the “yellow-blue bus” mnemonics to successfully master the difficult phrase «я люблю вас» “I love you”.

Russian language is a full of amusing facts! Don’t stop to study it and you will understand the mysterious Russian soul!

Nadezhda Krasnokutskaya
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