More curious facts about Russia

Russia, located in Eurasia (the combined continental landmass of Europe and Asia), is one of the most popular countries in the world.

The official language is Russian but there are 27 other languages co-official in various regions throughout the country.

Most people are aware of where Russia is located and what types of people live there, but there are many little known facts about this country and its culture that are really quite interesting.

russia-railwayWorld’s Longest Railway

The Trans-Siberian Railway spans almost all the way across the county, making it the single longest railway in the world. The 9200 kilometer (or 5700 mile) railway departs in moscow (located in European Russia) and crosses into Asia. It then makes its way to the Pacific port of Vladivostok where it reaches the end of its incredible journey. The entire journey non-stop will take you 152 hours and 27 minutes to complete.

Women-vs-MenWomen vs. Men

There are approximately 10 million more women in Russia than there are men.

The imbalance was initially believed to the result of so many men dying during World War II.


wedding ringWedding Ring Tradition

For many Russians, it is tradition to wear your wedding ring on your ring finger of your right hand. Countries like Ukraine, Poland, Georgia, Germany, Spain, Austria, India and Greece have a similar tradition of wearing the wedding ring on the right hand.


flowersFlower Superstition

A dozen roses? No thanks! In Russia, men never give an even amount of flowers to a women. It is considered bad luck and is associated with funerals.


Moscow-MetroFastest Means of Transportation

Moscow’s amazing metro system is the fastest means of transport. During rush hour, trains are scheduled for every 90 seconds. It is estimated that over 9 million passengers ride the Meto every day. The Metro of St. Petersburg is also the deepest subway in the world, clocking in at a whopping 100m deep.


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